







v: Hello.
m: (没理她,关门)
m:Nice to meet you, madam. (对翻译mm)Nice to meet you.
t: (翻译mm走人. ft)
v: What will you do in UK?
m: I want to pusure the master of science in universtiy of Bristol.
v: Which major?
m: Advanced mechanical engineering.
v: Which 资格 do you have?
m: Bachelor of engineering.
v: Can I see it?
m: Of course. Here you are madam.(将证书递给她)
v: (将证书放到紫外光下照啊照)
v: ….fees?
m: Do you mean the tuition fees?
v: No, the total fees/
m: About 18000 pounds.
v: Who will support you?
m: My father.
v: How much prepared?
m: xxxxxxxxxx
v: His job?
m: My parents did clothing business from 1985 to 2002. They bought clothes from these factories to other factories. And my father became the manager and share hold of Shunchang Company.
v: Income?
m: Because it isn’t enough for one year, so I can’t give you the exact income. My father has a xxxx salary per month and can get a xxxx bonus this year.
v: Any 资料?
m: There are some letters from my father.(指着担保信和一些说明)
v: English form?
m: No.
v: (跑出去,半天回来.指着上面的东西说)You say your father has a xx% share and a xxxxxx bonus. Do you have any certificates?
m: (慌,居然忘了公司的证明)No.
v: It says that your father began it last year. So what’s the income before?
m: About xxxxxxx.
v: Certificates?
 m: No. But I have some bankbooks.
v: Oh, I want to see.
m: Oh, there are also some interest bills. And some tax invoices.
v: (指着税单说)I am sorry I can’t find your father’s income from these.(因为是定税)
m: This is the business license.
v: No. 我不看.
v: Do you feel well?
m: I have a little nervous.(???严重语法错误)
v: Do you understand my questions?
m: Yeah.
v: You can wait outside.
m: Outside?
v: yes.
v: ………refuse……….




v: Hello.
m: 没睬他,关门
m: (then)Good morning,Sir.(对翻译)Good morning.
v: 为什么上次在北京被拒签,而这次来上海?
m: Because when I booked a date to Beijing for visa two monthes ago, my hukou was in Shaanxi. And now after my graduation, my hukou has been turned back to Zhejiang.
v: 迷惑地看了我一眼.没听懂我的话.
t: 翻译mm解释了单词hukou的意思.v才搞懂
v: Which university will study in?
m: University of Brsitol.
v: Subject?
m: Advanced mechanical engineering.
v: 为什么选择这个学校?
m: Because the university of Bristol is outstanding in numerous universities in UK. And the Department of mechanical engineering in this university is excellent.
v: 你拥有了什么资格?
m: Bacheor of engineering.
v: 专业
m: Nuclear engineering and nuclear technology.
v: ……
m: Nuclear engineering and nuclear technology. You can just call it nuclear engineering.
t: 翻译mm助阵.
v: 为什么去英国学这个专业?
m: You know, UK as a developed country, it has advanced mechanical technology. And if I study in UK I can learn pure English and touch different culture. I think it’s helpful for my future developing in China.
v: 谁将支付你的学费?
m: My parents(my father?)
v: 他的工作?
m: My parents did clothing business from ninty eighties to 2002. And now my father is the manager and shareholder of Shunchang Company.
v: ???Company?
m: 指着证明 just that company.
t: 翻译mm解释就是那个公司.
v: 收入?
m: About xxxxRMB.
v: 你有何打算?
m: I plan to come back to China and find a job in a foreign Company.
v: Which job can you do?
t: 翻译mm和他说话,打断
v: 你还申请了其他学校吗?
m: yeah.
v: 什么?
m: Such as University of Nottingham. University of Manchester.(对着翻译mm说通知书在资料底下,翻译mm看了我一眼,没理我)
v: 家里有哪些人?
m: My father, my mother and my sister.
v: 为什么不学核而去学机械?
m: Most of my classmates go to instituitions as research assistants. And some of others go to power station. I don’t think ther are good jobs. Even as master and doctor, we can’t find good jobs in famous companies. But it’s different in mechanical engineering. Many famous companies go to our school to employ mechanical engineering .So …(手势,表示我选择了这个)
v: 和翻译mm说了一大通
t: 签证官要再考虑考虑,请把你的联系号码给我
m: xxxxxxxx(突然发现报错了,又不好意思说.) 哦……,这个号码可能找不到我,要不这个号码。(把正确的给她)
t: 翻译mm给我一个绿单子,说会通知我的
m: Thank you Sir. (冲翻译mm点点头,退场)




还来总结一句: 签证,不只是一件事情,它是个工程,涉及到服装,发型,英语,经济,金融,饮食,交际等等各个方面。




感谢各位支持我的朋友,Ewater, m7m7m7m7m7,还有我的mm,感谢她给我的鼓励和支持:)最后是我爸爸妈妈,还有杨老师。

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