mega888  WordPress 2.6.1 发布 | 清源绿里


WordPress 2.6.1 发布

刚刚死去活来得把 清源绿里Para Sempre 升级到 2.6 版,因为很多插件代码都被我手动修改过,所以过程中相当焦头烂额。这下好,刚刚升级完,后台又有提示,Wordpress 2.6.1 已经发布。崩溃,眼睛都绿了。


WordPress 2.6.1 有啥新的动作呢?貌似修复了不少东西。懒懒一一过目。

2.6.1 offers several improvements for international users. Styling of the admin for right-to-left languages is much improved thanks to the efforts of the Farsi and Hebrew translation teams, and a mysterious gettext bug caused by certain PHP configurations is now fixed. For IIS users, 2.6.1 fixes several permalink problems. Image insertion problems in the Press This feature experienced by IE users are also fixed. Of note to everyone is a fix for a performance bug in the admin where those with a lot of plugins would experience slowness on some pages.

WordPress 中文团队已经释出 2.6.1 中文版,速度够快的。等我测试完毕了,再给 支持的博客们从 2.5.1 版本升级上来。


  1. 刚刚京都念慈庵的蜜炼川贝枇杷膏在本本边上做俯卧撑了,粘粘的膏液倒了一坨。还好没有撒在键盘上,否则就可以直接进入IBM T500时代了。

  2. 原来是这个药,你说了好次我都没有记住这个。一会出去买。

  3. 这个药喝着好喝而已,润润喉,实际效果不大。

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